My Chris: A Birthday Ode

It's "Happy Birthday" to my Chris. 

From the time we knew we were going to have a baby ... this one you see in this photo ... he wanted to be a good Daddy.  My Chris learned as he went ... and became proactive about his responsibilities as a Daddy.  Taking dates, having talks, drinking coffee ... she's taken on a lot of his leader-type characteristics, love of music, and inherited his pasty white skin that burns!! She used to say she was gonna marry him ... now she wants to marry someone just like him!
Living in a home filled with dominate estrogen, Chris has navigated mood swings, bought feminine products, fixed cups of tea, hugged for no reason, remained quiet and spoke up at appropriate times.  He's an all-star in our book!!

He's navigated well the stages of Fatherhood.  Seeing each of our girlie's as unique individuals, he has related to each of them in his own unique way.  I love how this girlie's love their Daddy!

This middle child who sees the world through a creative lens has his sense of humor, height, and love of spicy eggs!  Learning to just chill and breath, Chris has allowed Parker to show him the lighter side of life.  Dates where there is little talking and a lot of enjoying the food, these two are a complimentary duo!
 Two peas in a choleric pod are these two!  Wondering how his age would affect his parenting with Libby, this one has kept him on his toes!!  She's got his drive and passion and speaking ability ... not to mention those long legs! 
Ever the health conscious individual, balancing his love of fitness and nutrition, natural health remedies and vitamins against his equal love of potato chips and peanut butter and honey ... we love his little quirks that make us giggle and thank God for him!
 Thankful he asked me out back in 1989 ... married me in 1991 ... and have stuck by me after all these years, I treasure this journey we've walked together.

So, my Chris, as you look to the future, look behind you.  You have 4 women who love you, trust you, admire you, treasure you and will follow you.

Happy Birthday!
