She's Home

I baked pumpkin bread, cookies, and to calm the heart of my friend, Andrea, tried my hand at fudge!  I wanted this grown up girl to have a memory of walking into the front door for the first time and seeing, smelling, tasting "Christmas".  It worked.

She noticed the paper decorations I made, the stockings hung - the creative attempts to make something out of nothing.

She looks older.  Hugs me more often.  Brings her own coffee.  Wants to cook.  Has an agenda.  Notices new things.  Laughs at me.  And I ... well ... I. take. it. all. in.

I wonder what Mary, as in Mary the Mother of Christ, experienced as she watched her son.  This baby who slid down her birth canal, stole her heart, bore titles and changed her life forever was just ... her son.  Did she whip up traditional things to celebrate Jewish holidays that he went crazy about?  Did he hate mushrooms?  Did he hug her during his teenage years?  Did he laugh at her?  The Book doesn't say.  What it does say is that "Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often."  When the Shepherds made a surprise entrance.  When Kings brought expensive gifts.  When prophets knew her sons identify.  Throughout this unusual lifetime, she thought about these things ... often.

Mary, this one chosen to carry out a most unusual but planned task by God, Creator, was first and foremost a Momma.  Some things were just too precious for words and had to be dealt with in the mystery of her inner self.

She's home.  I am keeping all of these things in my heart.

Big smile on my face,
