Oh my Word!

Daily, I am reminded that I am a stranger in a foreign land.  It's not great, big, ugly reminders that shake my world.  It's often little things.  It's often things that creep up behind me and cause me to respond with my inner Southern girl, complete with accent ... "Oh My Word"!

Yesterday was an "Oh My Word" kind of experience.

Working out at my beloved Mrs. Sporty (don't laugh - I see results) I see all kinds of body types.  This makes my heart, usually, happy.  I don't feel singled out.  I don't feel like I don't belong.  I just blend in among all the other types of female specimens.

However, yesterday, as I was getting my workout on ... some girl who was two stations (it's circuit training) behind me had not shaved her underarms in what could have possibly been argued for her entire life.  Gross!!

There is no moral to this story.  Just a simple cultural exchange that caused me to be reminded I ain't in Kansas anymore!

Being sure to shave,
