Two Sides?

Are there really two sides to every story?

When my girls fight ... yes.  I know that one of them had a weak moment of dramatic fueled emotion that caused the other one to react in yet ... another ... weak moment of dramatic fueled emotion ... resulting in what we affectionally call around our estrogen maxed out house ... a melt down.

When there is a misunderstanding between normal people who are usually emotionally healthy (aka me and My Chris) ... yes.  I know that something was said, usually from my vocal cords that rose up and came out of my mouth, usually to the waiting ears of My Chris ... that caused him to shake his head in wonder ... trying to determine why I  ... normally sweet and full of goodness ... would say such a horrible thing.  He reacts to my horrible thing with silence ... or sarcasm ... or both.

In both these cases, yes, there is always two sides to these stories.  Why?  Both parties responded from two different and opposing sides.

But what are we really saying when we say "there are always two sides to every story"?  If we are honest, we are saying that we believe there is ultimately a right party.  One person is in the right and the other is in the wrong.

As I get older, what I am finding is that sometimes a situation has only one side ... a right side.  And, as I look through the world with a Biblical perspective, I find that many times there is only a right side ... the side of truth.

Recently we got the priviledge of hearing untrue rumors.  I was mad.  I was mad because they were about my husband (and that brings out the fighting mad Christina).  But I was also mad because they were simply untrue.

What I love about choosing to follow a Biblical perspective in which to  navigate life through my attitude is always changing ... for the better.  When I choose to allow the Holy Spirit to teach me ... in the middle of fighting mad moments ... I am truly changed and set free.

This was the case this week.

Are there two sides to this rumor?  No.  Are there two sides to this story?  No.  There is one side .. the side of truth.  And, if I am gonna remain true to who God is ... I have to admit that the real enemy is not the spewer of such hateful rumors.  The enemy of God is THE enemy here.  The Bible says he is a mean and nasty lion, roaming around, seeking someone to devour.  He's a bully and he doesn't play fair!

I love old television programs, "My Three Sons" is one of my favorites!  I want to close with the following conversation from an episode.  There are, naturally, three sons.  The older of the siblings has been seen in situations that have painted him in a bad light to his two younger brothers.  They don't have the full story.  They are so distraught by the whole ordeal they go to talk to their Dad and the following conversation takes place:

Dad:  I have complete faith in Robby.  I have seen his integrity.  When have you known Robby to do anything dishonest?  I believe what you told me about Robby is what is being said ... I just know I don't believe in how it sounds.  I know Robby would not do such a thing.

Chip:  How can you be so sure about Robby's innocence?

Dad:  I believe him, because I know him.  Boys, there will be times in your life when you are going to have to trust each other even when you feel you have every reason not to ... mostly because you have earned each other's trust.

End of story.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  Ephesians 6:12
