I don't know if you are familiar with these terms "Disciple" and/or "Pharisee". Both are people groups that had some connection with Jesus while he got his toes dirty on planet earth. From this point on, I'd like to update the names of these two groups into something a little more culturally relevant: Disciples are Friends and Pharisees are Religious Rule Followers. This afternoon, I saw two reactions both groups had according to a story found in Mark.
- were WITH Jesus
- didn't see what they could do in a difficult situation
- obeyed Jesus' requests of them
- witnessed a miracle
The Religious Rule Followers:
- observed Jesus
- argued with Him
- questioned His methods
- tested Him
- demanded Jesus who them a miraculous sign to prove His authority
Then, if you'll allow me to do a little research, this is what I dug up on this story*. It seems that Jesus scolds His friends for letting "the yeast of the Pharisees" influence them. Turns out, Jesus is calling the yeast - UNBELIEF. His friends completely missed the point of His warning by getting caught up in a little game of "Who Forgot to Bring the Bread" ... forgetting that because He was WITH them, their supply of break was irrelevant.
Stop. Soak it in.
WITH somehow should have equalled BELIEf. Because these friends had been WITH Jesus ... on so many occasions where bread was in short supply and He did a major overhaul with a few loaves - feeding ... like ... thousands!!!, Jesus wanted them to get that being WITH Him was way better than being WITHOUT something insignificant like ... bread.
Flash forward to ... me. Knowing Jesus is WITH me in a situation is enough. Let me say that again ... knowing Jesus is WITH me in a situation is ... enough. The situation may tempt me to focus on how much "bread" I am lacking ...
(fill in "bread" with practical things like money, friends, patience, redeeming qualities, good hair days, health, purpose, and the list could go ... and often does go ... on and on)
but in the power of the Holy Spirit in me ... I can flip the switch ... and focus on WITH ... which will always lead me to BELIEVE.
learning the power of WITH,
*New Living Translation Study Bible, Mark 8:15-16; page 1665
Good things to think on! Thanks, Christina!