
As of late, the words that trickle so freely out of head and find their way to fingertips and blog posts have been ... resting.  WORDS are there ... but have found other outlets to express voices ... and have found pictures to express sentiments that WORDS lack.  If you follow me on Facebook, you can view my "Pic of the Day" entries to see what my WORDS have been seeing ... and saying.

Today, WORDS knock at the door of my head and fingertips can't help but get to work.  This is always a holy moment.  Usually, I only write when prompted by the only Inspiration that makes sense.  This morning comes the prompting and I am only too happy to obey.

Unbelief.  A decision NOT to believe.  Twelve guys in a boat, struggling against the wind, rowing hard, and without their leader.  On their own.  In their own strength.  Hmm.  Sounds a little like a 47-year-old Mom I know when she looses her head and falls back into old patterns that tell her to freak when the storm comes and to do what feels most comfortable ... something in her own strength.

On rocky waters comes the Friend.  His words make me laugh:  "Don't be afraid.  Take courage!  I am here."  Being afraid came from the feeling of being alone.  It was a lie - the 12 weren't alone.  Courage lacked when crisis increased.  It was a lie - the 12 weren't in any crisis their Friend couldn't contain.  He was there ... even if dark clouds, a lot of rain, and howling wind blinded their vision.

I use the New Living Translation study Bible to ... study ... the Bible.  (That just sounds funny to me!)      There is a note* concerning Mark 6:48 that says numerous attempts have been made to explain this (walking on the water) ... Mark, Matthew, and John clearly understood this as a miracle.  If Jesus is in fact the Son of God there is no need to find another explanation.

This, again, makes me laugh!  My unbelief is a decision NOT to believe that Jesus in in fact the Son of God.  Right now, I am making a conscious decision to believe Jesus for healing.  You see, we've received words from a medical professional towards my daughter.  However, these words don't mean that we are gonna have to struggle against the wind and  row hard.  Instead, I'm laying down my old patterns of learned behaviour.  I'm going to choose to believe what  Jesus says ... well, you know.  Don't be afraid.  Take courage.  Have the courage to believe me. Discard your unbelief and dare to take me at my word.  After all ... I am here!

daring to believe,

*NLT, Mark 6:48, page 1661, "intended to go past them"
