
I'm not sure when ... maybe always ...  I've particiapted in Advent.  Call it my generic "Protestant" upbrining via a miliary Chapel ... call it a love for all things having to do with fire ... call it just good old fashioned tradition ... I love the hoopla leading up to Advent.

This year, I totally stole the idea to number my candles from a friend (Kat!).  We've read the meaning of each candle.  We've lit the candle.  We've sung around the candle.  We are just making more memories of what has now become a long-standing Elledge tradition.

So ... as the experiences of another new Christmas invade current memories of ones from my past, I can't help but notice the parrallell"ness" of life.  While enjoying the present, the past always has it's finger smack dab in the middle of it!

For me, this is a good thing.  It hasn't always been a good thing.  When the past has pain, the past finds a way to get ignored, denied, submurged, hidden, forgotten.  The past is a creepy little thing, however.  It's not content to stay in the shaddows.  In one way or another, it will make it's appearance.

Thank God (literally) that He has put good friends, a few therapists (seriously), and a super man in my life to bring health to my past.  I celebrate it, love it, cherish it, thank God for it, appreciate it, and admire the past ... my past.  The Holy Spirit has woven all things together to form a wonderful package.

So, as I look at the above photo ... I smile.  Current Advent surrounded by photos of people from my past ... all under the watchful eye of the word FAMILY.  What a beautifully woven picture by a wonderful Weaver!

enjoying the One weaving,
