Past and Present

Christmas.  It's kind of a weird time.  At it's origins, humble and meek as they were, it was a birth of a child/God in volital times.  Makes me take a look at the tired faces of Refugees in my city with fresh eyes ... empathetic eyes.

Herod - Ruler, Egomaniac, Oppressor, Builder, King of Judah - was confronted by news of  a possible usurper of his authority.  Violence soon erupted as he single-handedly shouted orders to have all boys under the age of 2 murdered.  These boys were citizens of his country.  These boys had Mamma's and Daddy's that worked outside his palace gates. Again, does this ring a familiar tune in our ears ... sounding a whole lot like current events?

Paranoid and power-hungry he called in the religious leaders and teachers - probably behind closed doors - and asked a question.  I love this question.  It has stuck with me all morning.

"Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?"

Herod didn't know.  He was disturbed by the news of a newborn king.  He feared the loosing of his authority and power.

The teachers and religious leaders knew the answer.  They knew the prophecy - but they didn't recognize the prophet.

I have found myself in both places.  When the unexpected happens ... how often have I turned my previous faith into fear.  Or, when knowing the answer to my souls deepest needs, I didn't recognize I had misplaced my trust?

Christmas.  It's kind of a weird time.  For me ... I'm taking a bit of time to stop and let the past lessons affect present behavior.

just thoughts,
