On the Issue of Love

I love coffee.
I really love coffee.

Sometimes, when I go to bed at night, and I'm really, really tired ... I think about waking up the next morning.  And when I think about waking up ... I know what's coming.  Coffee.  Good coffee.  Good coffee that I make in my espresso maker.  I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I love my Chris.
I really love my Chris.

Sometimes, when I'm riding on the subway and I get a text from him ... I think about what a lucky girl I am.  I think about that skinny, mullet-haired, single guy that asked me out for the first time and I smile.  I smile really big because now he is ... my Chris.

I love these girls.
I really love these girls.

When each of them made their debut into the world they captured my heart.  There were three pieces of my heart that exploded upon meeting these three lovely humans.  When I think of their individuality, their strength, their inner beauty ... I smile.  I smile because every good thing I see in them is exactly what I prayed they would be become ... and more.

I love God.
I really love God.

But ... in the past, I haven't always felt like He loved me.


Sometimes I think others feel the same way.  I often get the impression in Christian circles that people believe the truth of the Gospel - the good news that Jesus died to give them the opportunity to establish a relationship with God - but after they say "I do" and make a commitment to Jesus, God's love ends there.  They are good enough for Jesus to die on the cross for them but not good enough to be loved every day by a good Father.  Now that they have been saved, they've got to prove, earn and work for God's love.

This is nothing new but rather an age old story from what I read in the Bible.  In fact, John, an author and follower of Jesus who unequivocally knew God loved him, wrote to a group of new Christians the following:
"See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!"*
He goes on to say that those who don't know Jesus don't recognize that they (John's audience) are God's children.  Sounds like they (John's audience) didn't know it either!  And may I suggest that neither do many Christians today.

If you wonder if God loves you, you know.  You struggle with guilt.  You struggle with working to earn love.  You do good things hoping God will be pleased with you.  You feel bad when you fail and add your offense to a long list of reasons why bad things will/have already happened to you.  You feel like others deserve God's love more than you.  If you don't complete your man-made list of rules or follow man-made traditions you feel like a loser.  Church attendance equals right standing with God.  Service projects earn you more points.  

Any of this sound familiar?

Stop it!  If you say you know Jesus, then spend time getting to KNOW JESUS.  When you know that God loves you, then you will act like God loves you.  You'll be secure in His love.  Just spend a few minutes reading His words and then apply them to your life.  He loves you AND He really likes you ... and He wants you to be secure in that!  His perfect love will cast out all your fear.  
  • You won't see the "bad things" that happen as punishment for some behavior
  • You won't see lack of anything in your life as God's wrath
  • You won't withdrawal from asking for good things for yourself because who are you to ask such things from God.

It's time Christians believe we are God's children ... and are loved ... and share that perfect love with those around us!

on the issue of Love,

*1 John 3:1
